How can the Industries of the Future contribute to address the forthcoming challenges of our society?
29-31 Jan 2020 Troyes (France)

Submissions guidelines

Submission guidelines

By submiting an article you agree to peer-review two/three other articles and prepare to give feedback during the sessions. You will have 15 minutes per article to present your feedback. 

We accept submissions of original papers presented in international conferences. Only full papers will be admitted and reviewed by our editorial committee. Please abstain to submit papers already published.

Here are some suggestions on how to write and submit your articles: 

You can read the Publishing with Elsevier: step-by-step guideline to learn about the general publication process and how to submit your manuscript. However, each journal has its very particular guidelines to follow. 

You can also download the get published quick guide by Elsevier, it will guide you to the general process of scientific publication. 

NOTE: When selecting the 'topic' of your submission, please select 'Parallel workshop sessions'

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